Freitag, 18. Juli 2008


Well, this was in my young and foolish days...

Here you have a little selection of photos that were taken during my last week of school in 2005!!! We were young, crazy and we didn't really care!!! The same as today in fact... except that we are OLD today!!! =)

taking photos for the "Abizeitung" - Timmi and Mandy

my favorite and long term "Banknachbarin" Tanja... during English lesson

Now you'll se photos of THE LAST WEEK at before... that means before the Abitur exams started... everyday we had a special theme... so don't be too surprised... I didn't wear those clothes normally!!!

Kevin and me... yeah this day we all had to dress up... and so I took the decision to finally wear my Scottish Kilt that Antje and Küttü offered my for my birthday!!!

This day we all had to dress like working people... so I was a "Putzfrau" - in the morning ready to take off for school... in the background you can see my house!!!

Franka the sleeping Putzfrau during our history class!!!

Jojo... and me during our last school day BBQ party!!!

last official school day... Küttü aka Pink Panther, Timmi aka Captain Hook and Aische aka Frau Käse- Antje from Holland

SIMPLY THE BEST - the Ostelbier...

Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008


07. - 19.08.2008

Je vais aller en Lettonie!!!

I’ll go to Latvia !!!

Ich gehe nach Lettland !!!

Aussprache :

ā, ī, ē, ū – immer lang ausgesprochen

s – stimmlos

z – stimmhaft

c – „ts“

Letton/Latvian/Lettisch for BEGINNERS:

Ja – Jā

Nein – Nē

Bitte – Lūdzu

Danke – Paldies

Entschuldigung – Atvainojiet!

Wie bitte?- Kā lūdzu?

Guten Tag! – Ladien!

Hallo! – Sveici!

Mein Name ist… - Mani sauc

Ich komme aus Deutschland. – Es nāku no Vācijas.

Tschüss! – Visu labu!

Hilfe! – Palīgā!

Other useful expressions and phrases:

Wo sind die Toilette? – Kur ir tualetes?

Naturschutzgebiet – dabas aizsardzības zona

Wie spät ist es? – Cik ir pulkstens?

Wie viel kostet es? – Cir tas maksā?

Ich habe hier Schmerzen. – Man sāp te.

Ich habe Durchfall. – Man ir caureja.

Eine Briefmarke, bitte. – Viena pastmarka, lūdzu.

Freitag, 4. Juli 2008

It's gonna be CLERMONT!!!


[English Version]

Yippieh-ya-yeah... I got an answer of the French Education Academy (some weeks ago) which told me the actual city I'm gonna live in and where I'll teach German to young French pupils!

And it's CLERMONT!!!

This is a small town (10.000 inhabitants) which lies exactly between Compiègne (where I did my civil service) and Beauvais (where I have wonderful friends). I'm gonna give 12 lessons a week. I have all week-ends off and I will earn some money which is really great compared to my financial situation as a poor student in Freiburg.

The school I'll work at has 1.500 pupils. The station is just 10min away and the best thing is, that there is my favorite French supermarket (Intermarché... no it's not Monoprix!) is just next to the school. That means... I've got 7 months of delicous French food "à la" Intermarché!!!

Every hour there is a train that goes to Paris (whohouuuu)!!!

So you see... I can really be happy to be in CLERMONT!!!

[French version]

Whouhouuuuu... j'ai re
çu une réponse de l'Académie d'Amiens il y a quelques semaines. On m'a dit la ville où je vais passer mon semestre de stage comme assistant de langue en enseignant l'Allemand aux jeunes élèves français.

Je vais donc être à CLERMONT!

C'est une petite ville avec 10.000 habitants qui se trouve exactement entre Compiègne (où j'ai passé mon service civil) et Beauvais (où habitent de merveilleux amis). Je donnerai 12 cours par semaine (9 au lycée et 3 au collège). J'ai donc tous les wekk-ends libre et je gagnerai un peu d'argent, ce qui est génial comparé à l'actuelle situation financière comme pauvre étudiant à Freiburg (en Brisgau, hein Camille).

Le lycée comprend 1.500 élèves. La gare se trouve á 10min à pied de l'école et la meilleure chose, c'est qu'il y a mon super-marché préféré juste à côté du lycée. (C'est Intermarché... pas Monoprix!) Ce seront donc 7 mois de bonne alimentation
. (Je connais tous les produits et où ils se trouvent!!!)

Il y a plein de trains pour Paris (le trajet dure 50min)! Yahoooooo!!!!

Vous voyez... je peux vraiment être heureux d'aller à Clermont!!!