Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Bye bye Uni Freiburg ! ! !

I'm done! What a relief! Almost 6 years at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg are now over. That thought is still kind of surreal. During 18 months I was writing my final paper and preparing for my final exams. So, a long period of hard work has finally come to an end.

Here is where a lot of the magic happened: my (not very 'German') desk. The 'learning by heart'-time mostly took place on my bed.

These are all the novels, plays and short novels I had to read for the exams in French literature. (As you can see, I sometimes just read an interpretion.) You can add about 60 articles which formed the theoretical background for the literature and linguistic part of the oral exam I passed on Wednesday.

- going to France for one week (Marion + Jean-Baptiste are gonna get married on my birthday!!!)
- moving home
- applying for my 'Referendariat'
- organizing the 3 months in Columbia
- learning Spanish

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