Montag, 1. September 2008

Sightseeing in RIGA

Riga moderne... un pont gigantesque qui traverse la Daugava

le monument de la liberté (hauteur: 42m)

ohhh... ahhh... un magasin qui vend un de mes boissons préférées =)


Small Guild

la maison du chat

the Gunpowder Tower that houses the Latvian War Museum

the Latvian War Museum

ce sont les Casernes de St. Jacques

medieval City Wall
Latvijas Banka

Riga Castle (the place where the President lives today) - there are also three museums inside the building

Riga Castle from the other side

St. Jacob's Church - now the Archbishop's Cathedral of the Roman Catholic Church in Riga, but during the Reformation it became the first Chruch in Riga preaching the new doctrine

the entry - l'entrée

The Three Brothers - three buildings, all in a different style

the Latvian Parliament (Saeima)

Riga Dome - Latvian Evangelical Church's Archibishop's Cathedral

the renewed Blackhead's House (Renaissance style facade) and right next to it the Latvian Museum of Occupation

Statue of Roland - traditionally erected in European market and Town Hall squares (like Stendal, Bremen...)

St. Peter's Evangelican Lutheran Church

the Town Hall (l'Hôtel de Ville)

the Market Halls

Latvian ladies and yummy things from the Market Halls...

a little outside of Riga : The Latvain Ethnographic Open-Air Museum

little detail... =)

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